5 tips how to hobble and protect your VM’s in your data center

Five points – my VM backup must-have points. Every time I spoke with a technology partners, other vendors, customers I stay with this 5 golden rules.
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1) agentless backup

Agentless backup enables VM’s backups to be performed without needing to deploy agent software on the host. This is the easiest and most efficient way to protect your virtual machine infrastructure. In addition, this approach and architecture will safe your precious time and operational costs in the end.

2) backup destination / freedom of choice

Yes. You have a choice. Modern data protection platforms allow you to store data in different targets. Be sure that vendor, from which you are validating and purchase software will not hurt you in the end. Keep in mind, that after a while your company could change a hypervisor vendor, location, migrate to cloud or simply want to move from the old backup repository to the new one.

Example targets:

3) no matter what, squash your data

If it’s possible, use incremental backup – deduplicate, compress your data on source and target side. Every GB of your stored backup is your expense, try to optimize as much as possible.

4) be open to the 3rd party solutions

There is no modern backup solution without API. RESTful API seems to be the best and the fastest way for the most organization and their developers to integrate backup stack into their internal processes. RESTful API can provide a fully orchestration and automation, specially useful for large enterprises and manage service providers.

5) keep it simple

We are living in 2019. The era of old-fashioned UI, command line interfaces is over. Demand simplicity from you backup solution. Let UI will be as intuitive as possible.

10:24 PM, Feb 04


CTO, VP at Storware, CEO at SocialCube

Paweł Mączka

Enterpreneur, Co-Founder of Storware Company, Founder of SocialCube and Open Virtualization Pro Portal. Addicted to Storage and Data Protection Solutions serve in every combination – cloud, hybrid, on premise.