Archived webinars

15 Feb 2022 15:00:00

Ransomware attack alert!

Cybercrime, recognized as a socio-economic issue, quickly became a pandemic problem. Its consequences go far beyond the field of technology, but affect the quality of our lives. What do you want to do with it? Our experts are going to talk about the dimension of the social industry problems which opensource technology solves.

The main topic will take Virtual Box and how it can help ransomware attacks.Most computing today resides on a network connected by the world wide web using a multi cloud hybrid infrastructure. Our data centers have been put on public view for all to see, including the ransomware attackers. We have effectively created the equivalent of shop windows.

Ransomware attacks are on an exponential increase becoming a global pandemic. The network computer, as foretold by Sun Microsystems, has enabled this crime to be born and grow into the monster we see today. In this session we discuss how open-source software is possibly being dismissed as a tool to help fight against this cybercrime.

We look at the relevance of why some open-source options can be valuable to support the mainstream options out there. What are some of the dynamics which a ransomware attacker may be thinking about when targeting an attack? We will also go on to touch on how crypto currency is enabling this heinous crime.

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The experts are Mickey Bharat – Global Sales & Strategy Leader, Managed Cloud, Hosting, ISV & Hybrid Platforms at Oracle and Paweł Mączka – CTO, VP at Storware.

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30 Nov 2021 15:00:00

Ansible Automation Platform 2 – What’s New?

Red Hat has recently introduced Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2. What’s new?

The main focus was to enhance the foundational pieces of the Ansible Automation Platform and to enable automators to automate at enterprise scale more easily and flexibly.

Join us in our new webinar to learn about:

  • New Ansible tools created to better enable enterprise automation developers.
  • Introduction to Automation Controller and Automation Mesh.
  • Ansible Execution Environments – What they are and how to use them?
  • Where to find resources on Ansible Automation Platform 2?

Our experts are Jacek Skórzyński – Principal Solution Architect at Red Hat and Marcin Kubacki – Chief Software Architect at Storware.

WHEN? Tuesday, November 30th 2021 at 3:00 PM (CET)


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16 Nov 2021 15:00:00

OpenShift Security + live demo

During this webinar we will discuss the OpenShift security use cases that Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes addresses and identify the benefits of taking a Kubernetes-native approach to securing your containerized applications in OpenShift.

In today’s Kubernetes world, it is no longer adequate to secure just your images and containers. You need a security platform that protects your entire Kubernetes environment. Our experts, Jarosław Stakuń – RHCA, Principal Solution Architect at Red Hat and Marcin Kubacki – Chief Software Architect at Storware will explain you how to use it and present a live demo!

When? November 16th 2021 – 3:00 PM (CET)


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26 Oct 2021 15:00:00

Czy kontenery są bezpieczne?

Przyszłość IT to kontenery. Niewielu będzie dyskutować z tym stwierdzeniem.

Ale kontenery, poza swoimi niewątpliwymi zaletami – to również nowe wyzwania. Jednym z nich jest zapewnienie nie tylko niezawodności, stabilności, ale również bezpieczeństwa w środowiskach opartych o mikro serwisy. W jaki sposób możemy zabezpieczyć nasze ekosystemy, o czym powinniśmy pamiętać i jak projektować swoje infrastruktury od tej strony? Istnieje szereg narzędzi i mechanizmów, które w znacznym stopniu pomagają nam w podniesieniu poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Ważne jest nie tylko to, co należy wdrożyć, ale również to czego należy unikać oraz się wystrzegać. I właśnie na tych aspektach będziemy się koncentrować podczas tego spotkania.


  • Ogólna historia konteneryzacji
  • podman vs. docker
  • SeLinux
  • CRI-O i Openshift
  • Backup kontenerów
  • Uwagi końcowe
  • Pytania


26 października o 15:00 spotkanie poprowadzi Paweł Mączka – CTO, VP w Storware razem z Arkiem Galarowiczem – Inżynierem wsparcia technicznego w Veracomp.

Kliknij, żeby dołączyć!

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12 Oct 2021 15:00:00

Oracle Linux Automation Manager + Live demo

This time our experts are going to talk about the release of Oracle Linux Automation Manager and Oracle Linux Automation Engine, the latest additions to the Oracle Linux operating environment.

Together, these new capabilities provide a cost effective, powerful, web-based automation engine with reporting, credentialed role-based access control, work flow automation, and job scheduling framework for Oracle Linux customers that need modern provisioning, deployment, configuration management, and task automation.

Our experts are Simon Coter – Director of Product Management, Oracle Linux and Virtualization at Oracle and Paweł Mączka – CTO, VP at Storware.


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22 Apr 2021 17:00:00

What’s new in Ceph?

What’s new in the Ceph project?

During this webinar our expert Piotr Baranowski – CTO, VP at OSEC will present what Ceph project is and together with Marcin Kubacki – Chief Software Architect at Storware will discuss its functionalities. How Ceph can help MSPs in the world of growing storage needs?

We will answer important questions such as:

  • How does Ceph work?
  • How does Ceph scale?
  • How to manage it?
  • Is Ceph the solution for me?

During the meeting, we will see what are the news in the Ceph project and discuss what problems do they solve. We will also look at the roadmap to see the future of the project.